Houghton Road Houghton Le Spring Tyne And Wear DH4 4EE

0191 500 5957

Newbottle Primary Academy

Proud to be part of Aim High Academy Trust



This year, we continue to access the government's PE and Sports Premium for Primary Schools.  We expect to receive approx. £19,510, in addition to the underspend from 2020-21.

Schools must use the funding to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport that they offer.

This means that the premium should be used to:

  • develop or add to the PE and sport activities that your school already offers
  • build capacity and capability within the school to ensure that improvements made now will benefit pupils joining the school in future years

There are 5 key indicators that schools should expect to see improvement across:

  • the engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity - the Chief Medical Officer guidelines recommend that all children and young people aged 5 to 18 engage in at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day, of which 30 minutes should be in school
  • the profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole-school improvement
  • increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
  • broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
  • increased participation in competitive sport

An outline of our spending to date and our plans for future investment this year can be found below:

PE and Sports Premium Funding - 2023/24




Impact of Sports Premium Spending

We are improving the provision of physical activity for those in the earlier years of school.  To achieve this, pupils will have the opportunity to develop fundamental skills in movement, throwing and catching.  Therefore, resourcing has been targetted towards providing appropriate and quality resources to allow for the best possible attainment.


In addition, funding has been assigned to update and improve PE equipment across the school.  Resources allow teachers to follow the school's curriculum map, which gives pupils access to a range of different sports and activities.


Over recent years, the school has invested in skipping tuition as a useful route to ensuring that every child is active. This is primarily aimed at our Y4 and Y6 cohorts, who continue to take part in a multi-school skipping festival.  We find that the older children encourage the younger ones to skip at break time and lunch time.  This is proving an ideal way of encouraging participation in those children who are more reluctant to take part in organised PE or sports activities.  Another benefit is that this is an activity which children can take part in by themselves or as part of a group; apart from the initial cost of purchasing skips there are no costs involved for children who want to practice outside of school meaning parents are more likely to encourage this activity too.



There has also been increased participation by parents alongside children and a general excitement about our Forest School environment by our pupils, the majority of whom look forward to their outdoor sessions. These sessions are in addition to the normal PE activities we deliver each week.

Teaching staff have worked alongside various sports coaches to allow them to provide high level PE lessons independently. Confidence and ability of staff to provide effective PE for children has increased as a result. Staff have implemented skills and knowledge from professional development and disseminated this to other staff.

The academy’s evaluation of its own performance is rigorous.  Tracking of progress for pupils is thorough to enable us to identify strategies to promote improvement.  Our Leadership Team maintain an overview of Sports Premium spending and provide a report to the Finance Committee of the Board of Directors at the end of each financial year.

Evidence of impact will continue to be collected by monitoring and evaluation of our activities.


Evidence of impact will continue to be collected by monitoring and evaluation of our activities.

Benefits of Skipping at Newbottle Primary Academy

Skipping has brought boys and girls of all abilities together. There are so many different skipping skills of varying difficulty to learn and practice that everyone can take part with some success, whatever their skill level. If a pupil finds individual skill skipping difficult they will usually find it easier to take part in long rope jumping activities.

Our programme of skipping has encouraged children to exercise in a fun and active way. Even if a pupil is reluctant to take part in PE lessons, we have found that skipping has been an activity the whole class wants to take part in and this has certainly been the case for our Year 4 children.

It is wonderful to see that skipping has become a regular playtime activity. The current skipping team’s enthusiasm has encouraged children from other year groups to skip on the playground. Lunchtime supervisors have also commented that this has had a positive effect on behaviour on the playground as children are engaged.

We have seen the Year 4 children’s enthusiasm and confidence grow whilst practising for the skipping festival and their self-esteem has been raised as they are representing the school, often for the first time. The pupils have become inventive and experimental as the skipping dance is choreographed for the festival. The dance element of the competition improves the children’s co-ordination and sense of timing as they skip to the beat of the music.

Feedback from parents has indicated they are delighted that their child has started skipping and this is having an impact at home as the children are practising rather than watching TV or gaming. The fact that a skipping rope is an inexpensive item to purchase and replace if lost is a positive.